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Authorized Trainers, Farm Managers

  • Request Trainer Access

    If you have not done so already, email a copy of your Commercial Pesticide Applicator license (MDARD) and request access to conduct WPS and to add/view completion records in Ability. 

    It is a great help if you can tell us the exact name of the site/s that you will be providing the orientation/tour portion of the training (in addition to classroom video training).

Thank you for agreeing to conduct the Worker Protection Safety (WPS) training!

Classroom (Video + PPT) Training

EPA regulations require a Certified Pesticide Applicator be present while approved training materials are presented; therefore, this training must be conducted live. Use the training materials provided below (classroom).

The Course for entering the annual required video training is called Worker Protection Standard (WPS).

Site-Specific (Orientation) Training

Site-specific orientations inform workers where the central notification board is located. The board provides information about the labeling of fields or greenhouses. It is also a central location for Safety Data Sheets (SDS), application records, and WPS posters. The board should include a map of the fields or greenhouses and their decontamination stations and other site-specific details.

  • Site Courses

    There is a course for each site where entrance is restricted. These sites roughly match with the central notification boards. Workers may contact you using the information at WPS site-specific courses list. Send changes to your information to

    WPS Sites
    Course ID Course Name
    EHSO-3031-ILT WPS Site - Bailey Greenhouse and Urban Farm
    EHSO-3007-ILT WPS Site - Campus Agronomy Farm (Main)
    EHSO-3008-ILT WPS Site - Campus Agronomy Farm (Weed Control Barn)
    EHSO-3015-ILT WPS Site - Clarksville Research Center
    EHSO-3028-ILT WPS Site - Entomology Research Farm
    EHSO-3011-ILT WPS Site - Growth Chamber Facility and PRL Greenhouse
    EHSO-3012-ILT WPS Site - Horticulture Research Center
    EHSO-3013-ILT WPS Site - Hancock Turf Research Center
    EHSO-3014-ILT WPS Site - Hidden Lake Gardens
    EHSO-3016-ILT WPS Site - KBS Agricultural Fields
    EHSO-3018-ILT WPS Site - KBS Academic Greenhouse
    EHSO-3017-ILT WPS Site - KBS Plant Ecology Greenhouse
    EHSO-3029-ILT WPS Site - KBS Research Fields
    EHSO-3019-ILT WPS Site - Lake City Research Center
    EHSO-3020-ILT WPS Site - Mason Research Farm
    EHSO-3021-ILT WPS Site - Montcalm Research Center
    EHSO-3024-ILT WPS Site - NW Michigan Horticulture Research Center
    EHSO-3006-ILT WPS Site - Plant Pathology Research Center
    EHSO-3009-ILT WPS Site - Plant Science Greenhouses (E & W ranges)
    EHSO-3010-ILT WPS Site - Plant Science Greenhouse (South)
    EHSO-3030-ILT WPS Site - Plant Teaching Greenhouse
    EHSO-3022-ILT WPS Site - Tree Research Center
    EHSO-3023-ILT WPS Site - Trevor Nichols Research Center
    EHSO-3025-ILT WPS Site - University Farm Service Center
    EHSO-3027-ILT WPS Site - UP Research and Extension Center
  • Record WPS Site Training

    For small groups, you can enter records one-by-one after the orientation.

    For larger groups, you can also schedule & take pre-registrations.

Looking Up Employees' Training

To confirm training for employees working at your site, see: Instructions for Confirming Training