Authorized Trainers, Farm Managers
Request Trainer Access
If you have not done so already, email a copy of your Commercial Pesticide Applicator license (MDARD) and request access to conduct WPS and to add/view completion records in Ability.
It is a great help if you can tell us the exact name of the site/s that you will be providing the orientation/tour portion of the training (in addition to classroom video training).
Thank you for agreeing to conduct the Worker Protection Safety (WPS) training!
Classroom (Video + PPT) Training
EPA regulations require a Certified Pesticide Applicator be present while approved training materials are presented; therefore, this training must be conducted live. Use the training materials provided below (classroom).
The Course for entering the annual required video training is called Worker Protection Standard (WPS).
Present the Classroom Training with Approved Materials
- Download the slideshow and video files in advance to the computer you will be using. Periodically check to make sure you are using the most recent version of these files.
- MSU WPS Slides (PPTX)
- Worker Protection Standard for Agricultural Workers: YouTube or Download (MOV)
- Safety in the Greenhouse: YouTube or Download (M4V)
- Print a roster sign-in sheet from Ability LMS (if participants pre-registered) or a blank sign-in sheet (xlsx) (if providing training without pre-registration).
- Use this individual signature page (docx) for 1-on-1 training sessions
- Present the slideshow outlining MSU-specific information.
- Present the EPA-approved videos.
- Solicit questions.
- After the training is complete, forward the sign-in sheet to
It is important to remain in the area to make sure the video plays and to answer questions. If you are asked any question you do not know the answer, contact Michelle Carlson at or via Microsoft Teams.See for alternate video options (e.g. Spanish or captioned versions).
Download the detailed WPS Trainers Guide (docx).
- Download the slideshow and video files in advance to the computer you will be using. Periodically check to make sure you are using the most recent version of these files.
Record Attendance/Completions
If you have access to Ability LMS from your training site, during or immediately after the event is the best time to mark attendance. For pre-scheduled events with pre-registration:
For training NOT scheduled in the system ahead of time:- Record Ad Hoc Training - Enter or edit just 1 completion record at a time after the training is completed.
Site-Specific (Orientation) Training
Site-specific orientations inform workers where the central notification board is located. The board provides information about the labeling of fields or greenhouses. It is also a central location for Safety Data Sheets (SDS), application records, and WPS posters. The board should include a map of the fields or greenhouses and their decontamination stations and other site-specific details.
Site Courses
There is a course for each site where entrance is restricted. These sites roughly match with the central notification boards. Workers may contact you using the information at WPS site-specific courses list. Send changes to your information to
WPS Sites Course ID Course Name EHSO-3031-ILT WPS Site - Bailey Greenhouse and Urban Farm EHSO-3007-ILT WPS Site - Campus Agronomy Farm (Main) EHSO-3008-ILT WPS Site - Campus Agronomy Farm (Weed Control Barn) EHSO-3015-ILT WPS Site - Clarksville Research Center EHSO-3028-ILT WPS Site - Entomology Research Farm EHSO-3011-ILT WPS Site - Growth Chamber Facility and PRL Greenhouse EHSO-3012-ILT WPS Site - Horticulture Research Center EHSO-3013-ILT WPS Site - Hancock Turf Research Center EHSO-3014-ILT WPS Site - Hidden Lake Gardens EHSO-3016-ILT WPS Site - KBS Agricultural Fields EHSO-3018-ILT WPS Site - KBS Academic Greenhouse EHSO-3017-ILT WPS Site - KBS Plant Ecology Greenhouse EHSO-3029-ILT WPS Site - KBS Research Fields EHSO-3019-ILT WPS Site - Lake City Research Center EHSO-3020-ILT WPS Site - Mason Research Farm EHSO-3021-ILT WPS Site - Montcalm Research Center EHSO-3024-ILT WPS Site - NW Michigan Horticulture Research Center EHSO-3006-ILT WPS Site - Plant Pathology Research Center EHSO-3009-ILT WPS Site - Plant Science Greenhouses (E & W ranges) EHSO-3010-ILT WPS Site - Plant Science Greenhouse (South) EHSO-3030-ILT WPS Site - Plant Teaching Greenhouse EHSO-3022-ILT WPS Site - Tree Research Center EHSO-3023-ILT WPS Site - Trevor Nichols Research Center EHSO-3025-ILT WPS Site - University Farm Service Center EHSO-3027-ILT WPS Site - UP Research and Extension Center -
Record WPS Site Training
For small groups, you can enter records one-by-one after the orientation.
For larger groups, you can also schedule & take pre-registrations.
Looking Up Employees' Training
To confirm training for employees working at your site, see: Instructions for Confirming Training