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Safety Portal

Log in to EHS Safety PortalSafety Portal
Please log in with a supported browser Chrome, Edge, or Safari. Firefox is not supported; using Firefox will prevent your request from being submitted accurately and completely. Thank you!

Screenshot of Safety Portal login fields instructing user to enter their MSU NetID in the Account Name field.

The Safety Portal is for viewing campus asbestos survey results, requesting EHS materials (radioactive material, dosimeters, lab door signs, labels/tags) or service (waste pickup); registering lasers.

EHS Safety Portal menu screenshot


  • Cannot Log In

    MSU employees and students: Log in with your MSU NetID and password at the EHS_WebRequest form. Enter your NetID only (before the @) in the Account Name field. DO NOT USE your MSU email address. See the MSU ID Office to retrieve lost passwords.

    Non-MSU affiliates: Create an MSU Guest Account, then contact to set up access.

    Log in dialog box for EHS Safety Portal. Log in with MSU NetID and password.

  • Recommended Browsers

    Use a vendor-supported browser:

    • Chrome 80 minimum
    • Safari 13.x minimum
    • Microsoft Edge 44
    • New Microsoft Edge 80


    Firefox is not supported by the software vendor. Users have reported problems with successfully entering and submitting requests using Firefox.

  • Back Button

    Use the Safety Portal home button or cancel buttons to return to the menu.

    Safety Portal home button

    If you used your browser's back button to exit Safety Portal, you can return to it by selecting EHS_WebRequest.

    Select EHS_WebRequest to Return to Safety Portal

  • Ordering Radioactive Materials

    Principal Investigators

    The order form for radioactive materials is found under the PI Portal. Access to the PI Portal will be granted once Click approval to use radioactive materials is completed. Contact if you have obtained Click approval but cannot see the PI Portal.

    Lab Personnel

    Authorized Users on a Radiation Safety Click protocol can be granted access to order materials by contacting

    MSU policy forbids sharing your netID and password or using another person's login credentials.

  • Laser Registration

    The laser registration form is found under the PI Portal. Currently only the Principal Investigator can submit laser registrations. Contact if you are a PI who cannot access the PI Portal.

    MSU policy forbids sharing your netID and password or using another person's login credentials.

Contact for technical assistance with the Safety Portal.