The following materials are regulated by DOT/IATA and require special packaging, labeling, and documentation.
In addition, you must complete a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) to ship materials off campus, and ensure any required permits to import, export, or transfer materials have been obtained.
Examples of Category A
The shipment of ANY biological materials on dry ice is regulated.
It is illegal to ship regulated biological materials without the proper training due to the ever-changing regulations and heavy documentation that must accompany each shipment. Training is also required when shipping on dry ice as a refrigerant.
The following are not regulated for shipping by IATA/DOT unless they are packaged with another material that is regulated (e.g. dry ice); however, you must still complete a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) to ship materials off campus.
1. Patient specimens with minimal likelihood that pathogens are present
Patient specimen package must be labeled either: "Exempt human specimens" or "Exempt animal specimens."
2. Substances that do not contain infectious substances or substances which are unlikely to cause disease in humans or animals
3. Substances in a form that any present pathogens have been neutralized or inactivated such that they no longer pose a health risk
4. Substances containing microorganisms, which are non-pathogenic to humans or animals
5. Dried blood spots collected by applying a drop of blood onto absorbent material, or fecal occult blood screening tests and blood or blood components, which have been collected for the purposes of transfusion
6. Tissues or organs intended for transplantation
7. Environmental samples (including food and water samples), which are not considered to pose a significant risk of infection