Contaminant Source Inventory (CSI)
The purpose of the CSI is to identify known and potential sources of groundwater contamination within the WHPAs. Once identified, the contamination sources can be managed in order to reduce the risk they pose to the drinking water supply.
Unlike municipal water supply systems that supply water to both private and public users, the MSU water supply system provides water to mostly users at MSU. Since access was available to almost all properties within the WHPAs, more comprehensive facility inspections than those normally associated with a CSI were possible. As such, common approaches used by most communities for conducting a CSI were modified to fit the conditions at MSU.
The MSU CSI consisted of six primary tasks:
- A federal and state database search.
- Walk-through environmental inspections of properties within the State-approved WHPAs. The inspections took 13 months to complete, with 54 properties being inspected. The inspections involved a field walk-through investigation of the properties sometimes accompanied by, and always followed up with, interviews of property managers. Data obtained during the inspection were recorded on a form developed by the WHPP Team.
- Preparation of a comprehensive listing of all known underground and aboveground storage tanks (USTs/ASTs) on campus. Considerable effort has been made by MSU to identify problematic storage tank systems and remediate any associated environmental concerns. Most of MSU's UST systems have been permanently removed or have been replaced with aboveground storage systems. During the CSI, information regarding MSU storage tanks was collected in order to confirm that no significant environmental risk is associated with these tanks.

- Water Well Records Review - Identification of Abandoned Wells - Collection of available information on the water wells as part of a campus-wide abandoned well program. MSU has a variety of well types on campus. Examples of such wells include water supply wells, monitoring wells, lysimeters, and irrigation wells. To assess the status of MSU's wells and find abandoned wells, the Team developed a well database from the available MSU water well records. These records included: State water well records available from the Ingham County Health Department, MDEQ, documents available in MSU well files, and IPF Engineering and Architectural Services Department document archives. Other sources of well information included an interview with former a MSU employee familiar with the campus area and onsite inspections of MSU properties.
- A review of known and potential sources of contamination within portions of the MSU WHPAs extending off-campus. MSU reviewed the EcoSearch report for listed sites within MSU WHPAs that extend off-campus. MSU staff augmented the EcoSearch information through follow-up reviews. Additionally, MSU staff conducted a limited drive-by inspection of the off-campus WHPAs and obtained relevant information about the findings from the MDEQ.
- Railroads - A limited review of rail transport through the MSU campus. Two rail lines, CSX and Grand Trunk, are located within the WHPA for MSU.
Results of the Contaminant Source Inventory
Once this extensive inventory process was completed, the Team addressed known sources of contamination and established management strategies for potential sources of contamination within the WHPAs.
The Contaminant Source Inventory was updated in 2006 and again in 2014 with the assistance of Team members from MSU Environmental Health and Safety and the Land Management Office, as well as farm managers throughout south campus. The CSI updates consisted of database searches, surveys of farm managers and walk-through site visits.